YouTube vs. Vimeo: Which is Better for Finding Leads?

Apr 05, 2024

April 5, 2024


YouTube and Vimeo still remain the top social media platforms solely focused on video. They have some similarities but they also have some differences that could equal a brand new lead.


Search Filters

Both YouTube and Vimeo have search filters you can use to search for video content on each platform. They are both rather extensive.

On Vimeo, you can filter by:

  • Videos
  • On Demand
  • People
  • Channel
  • Groups (keep reading for more about this)
  • Category
  • Date Uploaded
  • Vimeo Live
  • Duration
  • Price

On YouTube, you can filter by:

  • Upload Date
  • Video
  • Channel
  • Playlist
  • Duration
  • View Count
  • Rating
  • Live/4K/HD/Subtitles or CC/Location

Utilize either of these search filter options to help you find a production house, a documentary filmmaker, or a producer.


Vimeo has a feature called Groups, which is quite similar to LinkedIn groups. With Groups, you can join the group (if you have a Vimeo account) and see the videos posted within the group as well as the members. With the videos, you can sort by:

  • Date uploaded
  • Alphabetical
  • Plays
  • Likes
  • Duration

When scanning through the members of the group, you can click on their profile. You can then follow them (similar to subscribing to a channel on YouTube) and get notified whenever they upload a video.

I really enjoy this feature since it’s another way to connect with a creative lead who utilizes video. Plus, it gives you an excuse to reconnect with them if they upload something.

Different Types of Content

YouTube now offers

  • Shorts (think of this as another version of TikTok or Reels)
  • Podcasts (Yes, video versions of podcasts are now available)
  • Community (Think of this as like Twitter/X or Threads)
  • and even a Store option!

in order to connect with their consumers. With this variety of content, you can find (and interact) with your lead…even if you are watching that cute capybara video.

(Oh, that’s just me? Got it.)

So, Which One is Better?!

I think it depends on what type of lead you are looking for. If you are looking for a lead that uses video type content i.e. a producer, creative director, or filmmakers– then maybe Vimeo is your best bet.

If you are looking for Animation, eLearning, Corporate Narration, or Videogame leads, YouTube might be the better platform.

Some clients may only have a YouTube or a Vimeo account so that certainly helps with the choice. But if you happen to be scrolling through Vimeo or YouTube, you now have a better idea of how to find your next lead.

Stuck With Finding Leads?

Can’t seem to find a better result on YouTube? Not sure how to even use Vimeo? Want to up your search game, but don’t know how?

That’s where Lead Generation Blueprint: The Ultimate Guide comes in.

Lead Generation Blueprint is THE course for finding leads more efficiently, effectively, and confidently. This online course gives you the methods, tools, and tips to get you connected with your dream client on your own or the know how to train your lead generator.

Can't seem to find your lead's email? You've been searching their website and... nothing. Download this free PDF and learn four new ways to find your lead's email. 

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